Our skin is an infinite source of knowledge. After all, skin has been doing its own R&D for 7 million years now - it's one of the world's most sophisticated technologies. It knows better than anyone what it needs. 

We observed skin on a very small scale to better understand its essential components and key biological mechanisms. And we have applied this knowledge in our care.

Skin-Mimicry, with our SMR-C5 complex, is a major scientific advancement that allows us to develop the most suitable and affordable dermocosmetic solution possible.

To sum it up, MIMÉTIQUE is the brand of dermocosmetics 3.0. We're shaking up the French pharmacy formula with our science-based approach. MIMÉTIQUE is your prescription for skin that looks its best and meets its full potential. 
Our core values: science, transparency and positive impact.

Out: Classic formulas with ingredients that harm our environment or our skin.

In: Useful ingredients that all serve a positive purpose. 

Made in France, with glass or aluminium packaging, to always do better in terms of environmental impact. Maximum effectiveness, minimum impact.

And always with a good dose of "French Touch". The French Touch means buying your products at pharmacies to get advice from experts - think of it as “medicine for your skin”.

Find us in our pharmacy partners. 



We select clinically tested ingredients that boast proven results. We work with AgroParisTech and its managing director and Head of the Chair of Cosmetology, Professor Richard Daniellou.


We check the origin and impact of our ingredients and our packaging from extraction to their end of life. Eco-responsibility is at the heart of our approach. We are not perfect, but are committed to achieving our goal (and work on this every day): maximum effectiveness, minimal impact.


We'll speak with anyone who wants to decode skin, to make informed decisions. Our mission: to offer you the most effective products at the fairest price. 


I am Fabienne, founder of MIMETIQUE and cosmetic chemist.

Even as a young girl, I loved taking creams from my aunt's office - she's a dermatologist (so you can say a love for skin runs in my DNA...). Playtime for me looked like making mixtures, my own potions and writing prescriptions for my dolls. 

So it was only natural that I started in the beauty industry at Crème de la Mer followed by Guerlain. But it was the time I spent living in Canada which inspired my vision of beauty to evolve. That's where I became aware of the impact of the ingredient on the skin and the environment. I knew I had to continue my scientific research. As a result, I decided to head back to school at the Nice Institute of Chemistry (ICN), to sharpen my training even more. 

In the "Biology of Skin" class, I discovered a remarkable scientific concept: biomimicry.

It was a revelation!

Biomimicry means being inspired by nature's genius, in order to innovate. (Seriously, this is magic.).

We often don't give skin the credit it deserves, but it's truly one of the planet's most sophisticated technologies.  

This is the culmination of my scientific quest and life's mission: understanding the science of skin and "cracking its code". It took me three years to bring together a team, including researchers and scientists such as Professor Richard Daniellou, Director of the Chair of Cosmetology at AgroParisTech. 

The exclusive SMR-C5 Complex created by Mimétique is composed of 5 active ingredients which are naturally present in the skin. These 5 ingredients have been selected for their ability to strengthen the skin's structure, and allow it to maintain its 3 fundamental functions: supporting the skin's natural defence system, improving its mechanism for hydration and promoting better regeneration. 

Skin-Mimicry consists of scientifically observing the physicochemical and biological phenomena of the skin, understanding the key mechanisms, and then seeking to reproduce them.

In short, Skin-Mimicry imitates the skin to make it function at its full potential.

MIMETIQUE is born, you know the rest…