Scientifiquement prouvé Biotech & écoresponsable Made in France Scientifiquement prouvé Biotech & écoresponsable Made in France Scientifiquement prouvé Biotech & écoresponsable Made in France Scientifiquement prouvé Biotech & écoresponsable Made in France Scientifiquement prouvé Biotech & écoresponsable Made in France Scientifiquement prouvé Biotech & écoresponsable Made in France Scientifiquement prouvé Biotech & écoresponsable Made in France Scientifiquement prouvé Biotech & écoresponsable Made in France Scientifiquement prouvé Biotech & écoresponsable Made in France Scientifiquement prouvé Biotech & écoresponsable Made in France Scientifiquement prouvé Biotech & écoresponsable Made in France Scientifiquement prouvé Biotech & écoresponsable Made in France Scientifiquement prouvé Biotech & écoresponsable Made in France Scientifiquement prouvé Biotech & écoresponsable Made in France Scientifiquement prouvé Scientifiquement prouvé Biotech & écoresponsable Made in France Scientifiquement prouvé Biotech & écoresponsable Made in France Scientifiquement prouvé Biotech & écoresponsable Made in France Scientifiquement prouvé Biotech & écoresponsable Made in France Scientifiquement prouvé Biotech & écoresponsable Made in France Scientifiquement prouvé Biotech & écoresponsable Made in France Scientifiquement prouvé Biotech & écoresponsable Made in France Scientifiquement prouvé Biotech & écoresponsable Made in France Scientifiquement prouvé Biotech & écoresponsable Made in France Scientifiquement prouvé Biotech & écoresponsable Made in France Scientifiquement prouvé Biotech & écoresponsable Made in France Scientifiquement prouvé Biotech & écoresponsable Made in France Scientifiquement prouvé Biotech & écoresponsable Made in France Scientifiquement prouvé Biotech & écoresponsable Made in France Scientifiquement prouvé
We provide the skin with active ingredients that it recognizes, absorbs and uses efficiently. These support the skin's fundamental structure without depleting its resources, thanks to being at just the right level (we've got the amounts down to a science). In the lab, we ensure that each ingredient fulfills its prime objectives. Each formula has been clinically tested pn reconstructed skin and cell cultures. Our system was supervised by our partners, the AgroParisTech Chair of Cosmetology.
Our products are made in France, from ingredients selected for their effectiveness and their impact. Our expertise in green chemistry and biotechnology allows us to create from nature, without exhausting it. Our packaging is made of glass and aluminum, and we intend to always do better. So MIMÉTIQUE is always good for the skin, and the environment.
We're speaking to the curious, the passionate and those who love to nerd out about their skincare: all the "skintellectuals" who want to know how their skin works (who are even obsessed with it) - and act accordingly. We believe in smart skincare that requires knowing your skin so well, you know how to take proper care of it. On that note: Education is a central ingredient in our formulas. We share our knowledge with anyone who wants to decode their skin in order to make informed decisions. No gatekeeping over here, and no secret to decode: we're all about dialogue, information sharing and transparency.
This very question is what led me to become a cosmetic chemist and work with the biggest beauty brands in the world. The answer was revealed thanks to the skin. Our skin knows how to protect itself, hydrate and regenerate. The best way to innovate is to replicate it. Learning from it, in order to take better care of it: these are the basics of "skin mimicry" - and that's my method. And it's also a more rational, effective and responsible approach to skincare. Along with my team of researchers, it took us three years to decode the skin.And with that, Mimétique was born.
X Fabienne
Chemist’s notes
25 aout 2023
Qu'est ce que le Biomimétisme
La nature est géniale, elle fait de la R&D (Recherche et Développement) depuis des millions d’années.
25 aout 2023
Exploration de la structure de la peau
Chez Mimétique, on s’est inspirés de la structure et de la composition de la peau pour nos produits : c’est le Skin-Mimétisme.
25 aout 2023
Comprendre l'hydration de la peau
Pour mieux hydrater sa peau, il faut déjà comprendre comment la peau s’hydrate naturellement pour savoir comment la soutenir dans ce processus.