The appearance of the skin is linked to hydration in the stratum corneum of the epidermis. Hydration is therefore the secret to radiant and plump skin. To better hydrate your skin, you must already understand how the skin naturally hydrates to know how to support it in this process.


Natural hydration factors (NMF): magical ingredients for natural skin hydration

The skin is a very intelligent organ which has set up an entire system to maintain its hydration. The first of these systems is the diffusion of water from the dermis to the epidermis (transepidermal flow). Indeed, the stratum corneum naturally has a low hydration rate of around 15% for the superficial layers unlike the deeper layers of the skin called basal layers which have a rate of around 70% and 30% between the granular layer and the lowest part of the stratum corneum.

In order to increase the capture of water within the cornea (link article structure of the skin), corneocytes produce natural hydration factors or NMF (Natural Moisturizing Factors) which can capture water.

They are composed mainly of hyaluronic acid, amino acids, urea and mineral salts and are mainly found in the stratum corneum of the epidermis, the outer layer of the skin. They play a crucial role in maintaining hydrated skin because they attract and retain water in the upper layers of the skin. These substances bind strongly to the cornea and open a passage to allow water to pass through and allow perfect hydration.

In other words, their role is to maintain the skin's hydration by capturing moisture from the environment, such as humidity. On the other hand, when the surrounding humidity is high, they help regulate the water level in the skin to avoid overhydration.

We designed our SMRC-5 complex to support the skin's natural hydration by mimicking it and using some of its natural hydration factors.

Result: when the skin is well hydrated, fine lines are not visible. And when there is no more hydration, everything comes back.

Humectants to hydrate your skin

Humectants are natural ingredients that play an indispensable role in hydrating the skin as they act as powerful hydrating agents. Indeed, their chemical compounds are able to attract and retain water, which helps maintain skin hydration and improve the suppleness and overall appearance of the skin.

One of their main recognized qualities is to act like real natural sponges! They attract moisture from their environment or from the inner layers of the skin. In other words, they help maintain an optimal level of hydration, even when the skin is exposed to dehydration factors.

Some of the most commonly used humectants in skin care products include glycerol (or glycerin), hyaluronic acid, sorbitol, panthenol (provitamin B5), and many more. Their small molecular size allows them to easily penetrate the upper layers of the skin to provide deep hydration!

They're also helpful for oily or acne-prone skin, as they provide lightweight hydration without clogging pores!

Our Skin Revive facial serum is boosted by numerous humectants (Glycerin, Oligosaccharides, Amino Acids, Minerals, etc.) for perfect hydration and smoothed, lifted and illuminated skin.

However, it is important to note that the effectiveness of humectants depends in part on the environment in which they are used. In a very dry climate, there may be insufficient humidity in the air for humectants to work fully.


Emollients to nourish your skin

To maintain constant skin hydration, you simply must prevent the water present in the skin from evaporating. Indeed, our cornea acts as insulation, but if it is cracked or even chipped, then there will be a leak, which will logically lead to drying out of the cornea.

To avoid this, we must provide our skin with emollients. These are fatty substances which will create a kind of dressing to prevent water evaporation. In other words, they act as softening and protective agents. It is for this reason that they are often used in many cosmetic products.

The main purpose of emollients is to smooth and soften the skin by forming a protective film on the surface. This film acts as a barrier that seals in moisture, preventing water from evaporating too quickly. Therefore, emollients help restore the skin's natural moisture and prevent dryness, discomfort and itching.

Interesting Fact! Emollients are particularly beneficial for dry or damaged skin. They can also be used to soothe irritated skin or skin prone to dermatological problems such as eczema or dermatitis. And yes, emollients manage to form a protective barrier that helps reduce inflammation and soothe sensitive skin.

Even though emollients are beneficial for dry and damaged skin, that doesn't mean they won't have anything to offer oily skin. They can, in fact, help balance sebum production and prevent its overproduction.

They are also essential for maintaining healthy skin and preventing signs of premature aging. Indeed, as we explained to you previously, well-hydrated skin tends to appear more supple, smoother and brighter. In addition, by preserving the integrity of the skin barrier, emollients help protect the skin from external aggressions!

There are a variety of emollients, ranging from natural oils to synthetic ingredients. It is important to note that each emollient has its own unique properties and benefits, making it easy to choose the one that best suits your skin type and preferences.

Our Skin Booster facial oil is a concentrate of natural emollients (such as sweet almond oil or plum oil) for nourished, smoothed and illuminated skin.

Moisturize your skin well: a combination of humectants and emollients

You may be wondering if an oil is enough to hydrate the skin. You will have understood, the answer is no, because an oil does not provide humectants, only emollients. Oils nourish the skin and should be used in combination with moisturizing products. The oils will form a protective film on the surface of your skin which will seal in moisture and help maintain the skin barrier, but you still need to provide moisture!

So, is a hydrating serum enough to hydrate your skin? Here too, the skin will not be well hydrated because, without a protective film, the hydration that we provide evaporates during the day and night, this is what we call the phenomenon of loss of moisture. transepidermal water.

You may have already understood that to properly hydrate your skin, you must combine humectant products with emollient products. Humectant products will hydrate the skin by attracting water from the outside to the inside of the skin. Emollient products will serve to form a protective barrier, to maintain the hydration provided to the skin.

This is why the order in which you put your skincare products is important. For perfectly hydrated and nourished skin, first use Skin Revive (boosted with humectants to hydrate), then Skin Restore (combination of humectants and emollients) and finally Skin Booster (concentrated in emollients).

The secret to hydrating your skin is to use products that contain humectants and emollients.