Chemist's Notes

Winter Edit - Kujten & Mimétique

Winter Edit - Kujten & Mimétique

Mimétique x Kujten : Le partenariat qui redéfinit les standards du soin et du style.

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Fabienne Sebaoun


Here, as you know, we dive into the science of skin without a filter. I am Fabienne, founder of Mimétique, and today, I present to you our exclusive breakthrough: the SMR-C5 complex. So what is a complex and how did we create the SMR-C5? A complex is like a team of ingredients that work together to multiply their effects. In cosmetics, this synergy guarantees visible and proven results on the skin. I brought together the best: a committee of dermatologists (including my aunt Joëlle Sebaoun!) and the Chair of Cosmetology at AgroParistech, with Professor Richard Daniellou, to develop this unique...

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Fabienne Sebaoun


Skin is a cutting-edge technology. It knows better than anyone what it needs. When it is healthy, it does everything by itself, maintaining good hydration, protecting itself and even regenerating itself. At Mimétique, we observe it on a very small scale and we put this knowledge into practice. And that is skin-mimicry: imitating the skin to make it function at its full potential. How did we crack the skin code? Your skin is a barrier. It is not programmed to absorb cosmetic formulas. The ingredients your skin recognizes and absorbs are the ones it already has in it. So forget...

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Fabienne Sebaoun
Qu'est ce que le biomimétisme ?

What is biomimicry?

Nature is great, it has been doing R&D (Research and Development) for millions of years. It is with this in mind that biomimicry was thought of, it is the art of copying the living. In order to succeed in delivering beneficial ingredients for the skin, this concept is beneficial. In reality, it is the best way to think about the cosmetics of tomorrow. What is the history of biomimicry? The idea of ​​drawing inspiration from nature dates back many years. However, the concept of biomimicry was only formalized in the 1950s! At that time, scientists began to explore biological structures...

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